Improving Prostate Health with the Best Medication for BPH

Prostate health is not always discussed, and many men don’t know what their prostate is or its function. The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland part of the male reproductive system. The prostate’s primary function is to produce fluid which sustains and carries your sperm when you ejaculate.

Prostate health is essential to help optimize reproductive and urinary function. Unfortunately, just like any other part of the body, you may experience prostate problems such as BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, which usually happens among older men.

Understanding BPH

BPH is a common condition, especially in older men. Studies have shown that at least 50% of men in their 60s have BPH, and this can increase up to 90% when they are in their 80s. BPH is having an enlarged prostate, and do watch out for the following symptoms:

  • Dribbling at the end of peeing

  • Frequent urination

  • Not able to fully empty the bladder

  • Peeing more often during nighttime

  • Trouble starting to urinate

  • Weak urine stream

The exact cause of BPH has not been determined yet. Still, studies have shown that age-related hormonal changes play a significant role. Other possible causes are genetics, hormonal imbalances, and inflammation. It is essential to properly diagnose the condition so your doctor can prescribe the corresponding medication for BPH. 

The following are the tests conducted to diagnose BPH: 

  • Blood tests

  • Physical exam

  • Scans (CT Scan, Cystoscopy, MRI or Ultrasound)

  • Symptom Score Index

  • Urine tests

BPH must be appropriately managed to avoid further complications such as bladder stones, complete blockage of the urinary tract, kidney damage or UTI.

Top Treatments for BPH

The proper treatment or medication for BPH would depend on the severity of the symptoms and your overall condition. Here are the standard treatments for BPH:

Active Surveillance

The complications and progress of BPH can be unpredictable, so it is essential to monitor your condition closely. Active monitoring is ideal for patients with minimal symptoms, and during this treatment, they must avoid taking OTC medications that contain decongestants and tranquillizers.


Medications such as alpha-blockers can help relax the bladder, neck, and prostate muscles, boosting urine flow and alleviating symptoms. 5-Alpha-Reductase inhibitors can also be prescribed to help reduce the size of the prostate. Sometimes, your doctor may recommend a combination of medications to treat BPH.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

  • Laser Therapy

  • Transurethral Microwave Therapy

  • Transurethral Needle Ablation

  • Transurethral Resection of the Prostate

PAE (Prostate Artery Embolization)

This procedure is designed to lessen the blood flow and ultimately shrink the prostate.


  • Open Prostatectomy

  • Robot-Assisted Prostatectomy

During your consultation, the doctor will discuss the treatment options appropriate for your condition. Getting as much information as possible about your condition and how to manage it properly is best.

Trust your doctor’s recommendations, and do not self-medicate. If you think that a particular treatment or medication is not working, contact your doctor immediately so they can recommend a different procedure or pill.

Alternative Treatment for BPH

BPH is a highly manageable condition, and the best treatment involves lifestyle changes and medical adherence. It is essential to follow your doctor’s orders and take the medication as prescribed or show up for appointments or surgeries.

You can also improve your lifestyle by quitting bad habits and starting a healthy diet. It is also best to exercise often, improving urinary symptoms and overall health and wellness. Also, do not forget to manage your stress levels by practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Lastly, it would help to reduce your fluid intake, especially at bedtime, to avoid frequent urination at night.

There are also natural treatments that can help BPH patients in conjunction with proper medical care. However, you should consult your doctor since using natural supplements is still debatable and there may be interactions with drugs you are currently taking. Keep in mind that results may vary from one person to another, and some alternative supplements may cause severe interactions with your current medications.

Here are the top 5 herbal remedies that you can try as medication for BPH: 

1. Beta-sitosterol

This herbal concoction is a combination of different plants that are rich in phytosterols or sitosterols. A few studies have revealed that beta-sitosterol can help alleviate the symptoms of BPH, and taking this remedy has not shown any significant side effects.

2. Pygeum

Pygeum is derived from the bark of the African plum and has been used in ancient medicine as a treatment for urinary problems. Taking Pygeum may effectively boost urine flow, but it is important to note that possible side effects such as headaches and upset stomachs may happen.

3. Rye Grass Pollen Extract 

This extract comes from 3 kinds of grass pollen: corn, rye, and timothy. A review published by BJU International showed that taking this remedy has helped men with their BPH symptoms compared to those who took a placebo.

4. Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is a popular herbal remedy which can be sourced from the fruit of a palm tree. A few small-scale studies from the National Institutes of Health revealed that taking saw palmetto can help relieve BPH symptoms.

Some studies also showed that saw palmetto can be more effective when used with other BPH medications. It is generally safe but watch out for common side effects such as headache and indigestion.

5. Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle effectively decreases urinary frequency and the persistent need to urinate at night. Using stinging nettle as a complementary remedy for any conventional medical treatment is best. The usual side effects of stinging nettle are skin rash and upset stomach.

In conclusion, BPH may be a common condition, especially among older men. Still, it is highly manageable with the implementation of proven treatments and medication for BPH.You can also ask your doctor to recommend alternative medicines or therapy to manage your condition further.

Your doctor can provide a personalized treatment plan according to your condition’s severity and specific health needs. To ensure that you will get the best results, follow your doctor’s orders, and adopt a healthy lifestyle.


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